Kolena Layla - Learning to Coexist

Saturday, September 09, 2006
Kolena LaylaLayla at times hated being a Layla. She wished she was someone else.. may be her life would have been better. She felt that she is placed in a certain frame that she should act according to it. The community around has drawn her a certain path that she should follow. Taking another path wasn’t accepted and wasn’t perceived well by her community.

She is stubborn, she can not accept what others want to do with her. She had a mind of her own, yet at times she was obliged to follow. She was accused of being rebellious. Actually she was. She opposed everything she had to do just because she is a Layla.

Through the few years of her life she kept struggling, however, sometimes she feels like giving up and following the path previously drawn for her.

She always wondered, what’s so wrong in being a Layla?! She is a human being like all other human beings.. she even hated that term of “Layla’s Rights” aka “Women’s Rights”. The term reflected a discrimination that she objects to.

Layla believes that she should be dealt with as a normal human being who could do whatever she wants. She is free, no one should tell her that Laylas shouldn’t be doing so and so.

Some might say that Layla is living a better life than her grandmothers long years ago. If we are to judge from the outside, this at times might be true. Almost all Laylas are out learning and working, they’ve got good positions, whether being ministers, members of the parliament, Judges, etc.. Yes they are all that, but if we are to dig deeper, still they are looked at as less efficient as if they don’t deserve what they’ve got.

It’s the way people think that should be changed, not by giving Layla more positions, nor by forcing a certain percentage that she should take in the parliament, nor by talking day and night about Layla’s rights. The community should accept Layla as an indispensable part of it’s existence, if it weren’t for her, a lot would have been missed.

I can’t claim that Layla is living the worst life, however some are.

posted by MoonLightShadow at 12:48 AM, |


She felt that she is placed in a certain frame that she should act according to it
that's the key word "THE FRAME" we cant be ourselves.. we have to be what they want us to be
very nice post :)
i feel deflated like a pooped balloon....the wrong conceptions r still there.. check this
i'm totally bummed.
Yes Moon it's not about position, title or parliament... It's about being understood and appreciated.
"The community should accept Layla as an indispensable part of it’s existence, if it weren’t for her, a lot would have been missed"
  At 9/10/2006 06:36:00 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
I think it is all relative. No?
Shirazi, definitely it’s relative.
  At 9/13/2006 02:19:00 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
I blieve that we are not treated as human being, so be it a man or a woman, when we focus on details before focusing on the core of the problem, the solution becomes nearly impossible.