Life is too short

Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Life is too short to live the same moment twice!
posted by MoonLightShadow at 11:04 PM, |


Or get stuck in one moment for way to long.
No but there are some moments worth living many times. No?
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Hi Moonlight :) I do Like this song for "mMriah Carey" actually her old songs r much better than her new releases for me!

as for the moment, it's just u cant taste it with its same sweetness if it repeated twice ,, always the first of anything has its own charm

and its enough to get hurt once if it worths being hurt for sad moments !!
Shirazi, yes, there are many moments which worth living again, but as Tota said, always the first of anything has its own charm.

I'm glad Tota that you like the song. Generally I like old songs, I'm not into new stuff except for some exceptions.