Congratulations Rain

Friday, January 27, 2006
Just came home.. Guess from where?

We were having a party at Rain’s house for her official marriage is tomorrow (katb ketab).

Was very happy though confused. Can’t comprehend what’s happening. Can’t imagine one of my best friends is getting married, feel he is taking her from us, but still I’m happy because she is happy.

Have a lot to say, or a lot that I’m feeling.. but words don’t always serve that purpose of expressing deep feelings.

Rain, wish you always live a happy life that you are both sharing together.
posted by MoonLightShadow at 11:42 PM, |


Thank you very much dear Moon (F)(F)(F)(F) .... i'm speechless.

feel he is taking her from us
don't feel that way, don't worry , I never let go of my friends that easy :).

As for the confusion part... I don't know what to say ... really i can't imagine it either, i try not to think about it.. i'll let the panic for tomorrow :D
First of all, congratulations to Rain. I am sure she'll spend the rest of her life being deliriously happy :)

As for you, I am sure she'll still be a close friend, even after the marriage. Just not during the honeymoon :D
Dear Moon thanks for informing us and you Rain wishing you all the happiness, you deserve all the best, god bless you.
I am really so happy to hear the wonderful news.!
Congratulations dear Rain, we 3o2balek ya moon. Don't forget to pinch rain in her knee:)
3o2balek so soon insha2alah
Rain, or shall I say Mrs. Rain :P I hope the confusing is over.. hope it is a start of a new happy life isA :)

Alina, I hope so as well.

Nesreena, you are most welcomed :))

Wonderer and Night, I guess that 3o2balek will take a veryyyyyy long time :DD, though I pinched her knee :D, but I'm not in a hurry :D
Congrats To Rain !
I just saw this post now !
how i didnt see it before :)

Congratulations to Rain & 3oqbalik yarab. I hope by now all your concerns that he is 'taking her from you' have been proved wrong. Of course he is not.

All that is happening is that you are all grown up now & starting a new stage of your lives. Rain first & ISA you next very soon.

And soon your children will be playing together ISA.:)
Tota, no problem, late better than never ;)

Loulou, I liked that thought of our children playing together :)) It never crossed my mind before..