Pressured, excited, amazed, confused, happy, and tired!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Pressured: Have loads of work to do, and the deadline was yesterday, and I wonder when I'll finish, and all I'm doing is wasting time!

Excited: About today's outing for iftar (breakfast).

Amazed: By the place.

Confused: About my way of dealing with people.

Happy: Managed somehow to get over my confusion.

Tired: Didn't eat, needed sleep, and have a terrible headache.

More elaboration later!
posted by MoonLightShadow at 1:05 AM, |


Why you are confused like that ,is it because of the deadlines and workload?
I faced the same problem when I started my job. I also stopped writting in my blog :-(...

But for the whole ... I'm feeling happy ;)..

Don't Panic, just enjoy your time ...
Well Nightlegend, I sometimes get confused about that as well. But the confusion I'm talking about here was caused by my behaviour and reactions when dealing with other people.