Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Sa3at keteer ba7es eny ba2eet mesh 3arfa nafsy.. wala fahmany.. ana 3ayza eih, w ba7eb eih, w bakrah eih, eih elly bybstny w eih elly byza3lny.. hal ana open minded, wala zayy ma by2olo da2a 2adeema.. ya tara el nas shayfany zay ma ana shayfa nafsy.. wala hwa el 3aks.. ana bashoof nafsy zay ma el nas btshofny.. tab maho ana mesh bawary el nas kol 7aga gowaya.. l daraget eny ana kaman mab2tsh 3arfa hwa fi eih gwa..
te3bt min kotr el laf w el dawaran.. atkalem walla a7'aby.. ab2a sare7a wala keda barmy dabsh.. askot y2olo 3alya sousa.. ba7areb b kol takty el overlap elly by7sal ma bein my real life.. and my cyberspace one.. I don't want this overlap.. Here, I'm the nearest possible to my real self.. I just don't want to lose track of me.. to forget about who I am.. lel asaf, the overlap is happening.. still under contro, bas I'm not happy about it..
Sa3at bab2a 3ayza el nas kolaha t2ra what I've written through the six years of having this blog.. w sa3at tanya 2a2ool maynfa3sh abadan.. w yemken di tkoon moshklty.. ana sa3b 3alya 2awy eny asare7 el nas b how I think about them or how I think about certain situations.. may be 3lshan mesh ba3raf 2a2ool el kalm 3'ier direct.. w da akeed byday2 el nas..
mesh 3arfa.. 7assa eny ba2eet wasla l mar7ala min enfsam el sha7'seya l dargt eny mab2tsh 3arfa ana mein..
te3bt min kotr el laf w el dawaran.. atkalem walla a7'aby.. ab2a sare7a wala keda barmy dabsh.. askot y2olo 3alya sousa.. ba7areb b kol takty el overlap elly by7sal ma bein my real life.. and my cyberspace one.. I don't want this overlap.. Here, I'm the nearest possible to my real self.. I just don't want to lose track of me.. to forget about who I am.. lel asaf, the overlap is happening.. still under contro, bas I'm not happy about it..
Sa3at bab2a 3ayza el nas kolaha t2ra what I've written through the six years of having this blog.. w sa3at tanya 2a2ool maynfa3sh abadan.. w yemken di tkoon moshklty.. ana sa3b 3alya 2awy eny asare7 el nas b how I think about them or how I think about certain situations.. may be 3lshan mesh ba3raf 2a2ool el kalm 3'ier direct.. w da akeed byday2 el nas..
mesh 3arfa.. 7assa eny ba2eet wasla l mar7ala min enfsam el sha7'seya l dargt eny mab2tsh 3arfa ana mein..
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My dear :)) "Kolena haza el ragol" .. because we are a bunch of 7agat momken awi yeb2a feih 7agat menha contradicting w mesh kol 7aga gowana yenfa3 aw ne2dar ne2olha .. fe nas betefhamna zeyada w fe nas betefhamna 3'alat w a7yanan e7na bnetla7'bat fe nafsena ... like the feeling you have now... bas dah mesh enfessam w kaman ana ba7es eno el zeroof wel nas elly 7awaleena homma elly bytala3oo kol sha7'sya mn elly gowana .. fe nas we7na ma3ahom bneb2a fe kemeet el 3a2l w nas tanya fe montaha el tefooola w nas talta bneb2a mota7afezeen w sakteen w nas rab3a bntabtab 3allleiha w 7'amsa kol ma neeegy netabtab 3alleiha tastafezena w ne2oom ramyeeen dabsh .. it depends.. we are not controlling it all all the time .. and that's Human and this is life :)) so .. whistle while you live and live ur life w 7'allas .. and believe me .. people understands these conflicts because they all have conflicts .. and we're all accepting eachother as we are .. as we're HUMAN :))
That's the effect of having a Gemini moon in case u're wondering :P
and here's Turtle proving it :D m3lesh shereera ana (A)
ha2olek maqolah 2alha Gandhi "happiness is when what u feel , what u say , what u do are in harmony" and i believe that's very true.
and here's Turtle proving it :D m3lesh shereera ana (A)
ha2olek maqolah 2alha Gandhi "happiness is when what u feel , what u say , what u do are in harmony" and i believe that's very true.
eih da :D rain kanet betgeeeb fe serty??? :P
nice topic, thanks